A safe haven for homeless children in Stellenbosch
Get involved
Volunteering at Youth Outreach
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We welcome volunteers who can offer a service or expertise and walk a path with our children. The children in our care have often been abandoned by adults, which is why we prefer volunteers who will be involved over a longer term. Come help with homework once a week, offer a sport on a regular basis, come read stories in the evening, or come chat with us so that we can exchange thoughts about our shared needs.
We would like to receive you at Youth Outreach and hope to thank you as a supporter, collaborator, and/or financial partner. We believe we still have nice stories to tell. Our lunch will be exactly the same as the meal the children in our care will enjoy that same day. We are going to sit at the same table in the dining room where they eat every day.
Please email us if you would like to join us at 11:45 for lunch with us.
There are many ways you can get involved and make a difference in the lives of the children at Youth Outreach.
Join us for a Friday lunch
Everybody has a network of like-minded colleagues, bible study soulmates, sports buddies, and more. You can contribute a great deal by informing your network about our needs and work. Please let our story be heard, as it takes a village to raise a child!